Safety, Health, Environment and Security (SHE&S) Policy

Brieg Global takes very seriously the responsibility for safety in all aspects of our business and operations. At all levels of the organization, we are committed to upholding the highest standards with regard to safety, health, the environment and security.

Brieg has adopted the Corporate Policy outlined below as a statement of our commitment. Brieg exemplifies best practices in safe, disciplined work processes, operational policies and procedures, and aims for continuous improvement, from secure access at our facilities to a rigorous, continuing screening process for each of our projects.

Safety Policy

PURPOSE: The purpose of this policy is to define for its stakeholders the corporation’s commitment to Safety, Health, the Environment and Security (SHE&S). Management at all levels of the organization is expected to adopt and promote compliance with the tenets of this policy within their respective areas of responsibility.

GOVERNING PRINCIPLE: The Corporation will conduct its business responsibly, and in a manner designed to protect the health and safety of its associates and the public, to protect the environment, and to preserve the security of its facilities and operations and those of its customers.

REQUIREMENTS: Programs and procedures will be implemented and maintained that provide reasonable assurance that the Corporation:

  • Compliance: Complies with applicable governmental and internal SHE&S requirements.
  • Operations: Maintains facilities, conducts operations, and performs services, in a manner designed to provide sustainable, safe and secure transportation and logistics operations for its customers, utilizing programs and procedures that are designed to protect the environment, and the safety, health and security of its associates, customers, and the public.
  • Priority: Makes SHE&S considerations a priority in planning and operations.
  • Communications Training: Reports promptly to officials, associates, customers and the public, information on SHE&S risks and hazards and recommended protective measures and provides regular training for its personnel on SHE&S issues related to their work responsibilities.
  • Public Policy: Participates with government and industry to create responsible laws, regulations and standards to safeguard the community, workplace and environment.
  • Continuous Improvement: Strives for continuous improvement in programs, work processes and performance related to SHE&S, by conducting regular examination of its operations to establish goals and ways to measure achievement and by evaluating best industry practices and, to the extent applicable.

This Policy is applicable to Brieg Global and all of its majority owned and controlled affiliated companies.